Monday, August 27, 2012

Real Estate Marketing Online | Drive Traffic Like A Nerd

real estate marketing

Real estate marketing online and driving traffic does not require you to be a technical nerd. As a matter of fact, you are about to see how easy it really is.

The Real Estate industry may have taken it on the chin lately, but it does not mean you should quit. What you should be doing is focusing your marketing where it counts, online.

One common belief is that online marketing with any business is far too complicated to learn. Many actually go as far as to believe you will need education in coding, PHP and learning how algorithms work. This is not true at all, as a matter of fact, you need not be a ?techie nerd? at all.

Of course a little search engine optimization or search marketing knowledge is good to learn, but even this is simple, so simple in fact that anyone can master it in just a few hours or days. Now on to some ideas for you real estate agents and brokers.

If you are not blogging, making videos and connecting your content to your social media profiles, you are missing out on the fundamentals that can truly boost not only your leads, but your sales as well.

There are only a few simple platforms and tools (other than Craigslist) you need to master, and a few strategies as well. Here are a few platforms you will most definitely need to know:

  1. Basic Understanding of SEM (search engine marketing)
  2. Knowing and applying good keyword research and usage.
  3. Creating a simple blog.
  4. Content creation (blogging).
  5. Video marketing
  6. Social media marketing (Google plus, Facebook and Twitter pages) This will also include local sites like Craigslist and the like.
  7. Sales funnel creation.
  8. And, last but not least, E-mail marketing (building, managing and converting your list).

While this may seem like a lot of learning and work, know this, it took me less than an hour to create this article/post. Excuses will be just that for not applying what you need to apply, excuses.

Having friends in the Real Estate business, it has been a pleasure helping them to dominate their local search engines through some very simple strategies, using these simple platforms.

Creating a presence online is as simple as WordPress. This simple and easy to use content management system is perfect for creating what the search engines are looking for today, information. Think about it like this; if Google, Yahoo and Bing are looking for information, should you not be in the business of creating it?

Blogging allow for the perfect compliment of what these search engines are looking for, your information. So, start creating already.

Once the basics are understood above, the one major question you will most likely have is ?what? kind of information should you create? Should you be a salesman and list every home for sale you have? or, should you do less selling and be more information driven? Remember the last couple paragraphs? Then the answer is information.

Taking a look at what interests people in your community, the reason they moved to your town or city in the first place, remembering that and creating content around that is the perfect place to start.

You like me, probably live in a nice community. You like me enjoy what your city or town has to offer it?s members. Like Ashland, Oregon where I am from. Here we have the world famous Oregon Shakespeare Festival. What a wonderful addition to my blog! Talking about my community and it?s happenings is a great way to get traffic to your site that may not have been interested otherwise.

?Well Dave, this is not about selling tickets to a play, I want to sell homes!? Understood. But today things are quiet different in the advertising industry. Today people have access to much more information, and in an instant. What if someone was looking at a town near Ashland, but just so happened to be looking at the outlying area, and what if they noticed your post and, your ?call to action? on the sidebar?

In today?s marketplace, the real estate agent should be creating solid content, solid information. Media rich content like blogposts, videos and even snapshots shared on your social media profiles, not just links.

Real estate marketing online should not be dependent upon your local MLS and some crazy little magazine of a thing at the local minute market, it should be about you being a part of and sharing your community online. And you don?t have to be a techie nerd to do it.


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